Between the Reality TV shows of people building and living in tiny homes and the beautifully decorated Park Model Tiny Homes on Pinterest, it’s not hard to see why more and more people are becoming enamored with the idea of living in a miniature version of a house. But, taking off the rose-colored glasses for a moment, it becomes clear what some of the realities of living in a tiny home entail.
Legality and Where to Park
One of the most important and possibly least talked about tiny home troubles is the legality of owning a tiny home. Zoning laws, house size requirements, and the need to obtain a tiny home permit vary state by state, so it’s essential to learn which laws apply to you and where you live to avoid a potential eviction notice on your tiny home’s front door. Some loopholes around these housing laws are having your house reside on land where it’s the secondary dwelling to an already approved primary house or having your tiny home registered as an RV. Once you get an idea of which laws are relevant to the state you’re wanting to park your tiny home, you need to find out where in that state and what kind of place you plan to set up camp. Whether a Park Model Tiny Home Park, an RV Park, or someone’s backyard, it takes a bit of planning to figure out where you are going to set your new home up. One perk of any tiny house is its portability, but unlike an RV, its sewage hookup is a bit more intrinsic than a simple sewer hose. Setting up your tiny home is a bit more involved, which should be taken into consideration when planning where to live.
Storage and Space
It seems like a simple idea, “If I live in a tiny home, of course, I’ll have less space,” but the reality proves a bit more challenging. Say, “Goodbye” to large shopping sprees, your wallet sends its regards. Living in a tiny home means some major sacrifice of space. Less space means less stuff, so if you’re going after the minimalist lifestyle, you’ll definitely get it with tiny home living. Less space also means getting creative with your space; learning to utilize your space for the belongings you need in your home is a must. While less space means less stuff, that doesn’t necessarily correlate to less mess. In fact, less space means your clutter and messes will accumulate more quickly, but luckily, the clean-up time is much shorter. Consider what amenities you’ll want in your home based on your lifestyle – things like a four-burner stove top, a washer and dryer unit, or a mini or full-size fridge. Things that may be a given in a full-size home or apartment may need extra consideration when deciding if it’s needed in your Park Model tiny home.
Paying the Price
Park Model Tiny homes can seem attractive based on the cheaper cost of living. And while it can no doubt help with saving money, there are certain costs that may not be immediately considered. Outside of the cost of the tiny home, you’ll have to factor in the price of renting/buying land to park it on, electric bills, water bills, and maintenance. To ensure your home stays warm and dry inside, you’ll want to consider the craftsmanship of whoever builds your tiny house and see if they offer any type of warranty. And of course, it is your home and should feel cozy and furnished. Because of your new space limitations, you likely won’t be able to bring your grandmother’s heirloom dining room table into your new home. In fact, a lot of your furnishing and appliances will need to be adaptable to your new space. Ikea is one of many excellent, cost-efficient options for furnishing and equipping tiny homes.
Entertainment Purposes
No longer can you wander around your house; pick a spot and get comfortable. In most layouts of tiny homes, the extent you can wander around is limited. But this isn’t necessarily a bad thing – it really allows you to nest in your tiny home.
Close Quarters
This last section doesn’t really apply to those living in a tiny home completely alone, but for those living with family, a partner, or even just a dog – get comfortable with each other, you’ll be spending a lot of close time together. Tiny home’s limited space is worth considering for more than just storage utility. Things will undoubtedly get up close and personal with whoever you’re sharing your space with. Any type of roommate or cohabiting situation always requires compromise, but with little private space to retreat to you’ll want to be much more aware and respectful of sharing a small space.